Product Details
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
The RocFather Greeting Card
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Product Code:ZqGblpE
Product Condition:New
$4.00 inc. tax
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A well-designed greeting card has the power to help people express gratitude or sympathy, as well as inform attendees and set the mood for any given occasion. Coming in three different sizes, the greeting cards are customizable from top to bottom, and they can be designed to stand both horizontally and vertically. Create your own greeting cards tailored to any circumstance, be it a seasonal one or a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Cardboard paper
Sizes: Small: 4″ × 6″ (101 × 152 mm)
Medium: 5″ × 7″ (127 × 178 mm)
Large: 5.83″ × 8.27″ (148 × 210 mm)
Product weight: Small: 0.39 oz (11 g)
Medium: 0.6 oz (17 g)
Large: 0.85 oz (24 g)
Toner-based printing
Vibrant colors
Comes with a complimentary envelope
Blank product materials sourced from Sweden
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